Dealing with Cockroaches: Solution is Using Roach Killer

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Roach Killer: Terminating The Roach Naturally, and top store bought roach killing products

The ‘Cockroach’ is popularly known as the ‘Roach’ in many households. The sight of it is enough to send a person scurrying for some mode to kill it. While the human fight to free our households of roaches is still ongoing, one fails to realize that the roaches have been around for as many as 320 million years. It is hard to imagine one species living through so many centuries but the roaches have done this because they are especially hardy creatures. Their tolerance ranges from the cold in the Arctic to the heat of the Tropics. It is probably their versatility and their tolerance that makes these creatures extremely hardy.


What are cockroaches (roaches)?

Cockroaches are insects belonging to the Blattodea order which also includes termites. They date back 320 million years. There are approximately 4,600 cockroach species although less than 1% are associated with human habitats. About 4 species are regarded as pests (insets which are a nuisance to humans). Cockroaches are very common and hardy pests. They tolerate a very wide range of environments from tropical heat to arctic cold. Tropical cockroaches are bigger than temperate ones. Cockroaches usually hide during the day emerging at night to feed. Most cockroaches have active wings capable of flight but for some reasons, they prefer running.

Before we look at the different kinds of natural roach killers that are useful, it is important to understand the roach. Why is it deemed dirty? Why is it so hardy? How does it live? Why does it behave the way it does?

The need to understand the roach is akin to understanding your opponent in a battle. If you know how they think and why they do things it will help you plan your strategies better. I think of our battle against the roaches in the same way. They are extremely hardy creatures and you need to know how they act in order to reclaim your living space as you own. This information also helps you pre-empt a roach infestation.


One of the first points to look at is behavior. We assume that roaches are stupid dirty creatures and while we may be right about the later, roaches are far from stupid. Their lives are governed by various complicated behavior patterns. In fact, many studies say that roaches tend to form a primitive form of society within them.

-The roach is more gregarious than you think!

Why do people always assume that the moment they see a roach there are more to follow? Are they wrong in this assumption? Probably not! This is because roaches tend to be gregarious. They aggregate in the form of small (or even large!) communities. So if you see a roach then reach for the roach killer immediately.

Recent findings suggest that pheromones are responsible for the gregariousness of the roaches. It is even said that these pheromones differ in odor. This helps the roaches distinguish between one roach community and another. (Yes! They form different communities!)

Movies often depict horror inducing scenes where a swarm of roaches engulfs a person. The thought of which is enough to make anyone shudder. This popular concept arose from the fact that roaches do swarm but it is usually to find food.

-The decision making is collective!

One may find it hard to imagine that the roaches make decisions based on other roaches. I know that I do! This is probably another reason why roaches are gregarious. Most of the collective decision making revolves around food. It is a simple way of thought but it has proven pretty effective for the roach population. Let’s take a look at how this works.

A roach community will exploit a source of food when they find it. If the community stays in the area long enough it means that the food source is good. This acts as a signal for other newer roaches to stay on. This means that the community keeps on enlarging till the source of food runs dry.

Another factor that affects roach decision making is the light or rather the dark. Roaches love dark places and due to their dark color it also makes them hard to find.

-Their reproduction rate is incomprehensible!

We often wonder how the number of roaches in a location can increase so fast. Gregariousness is one of the reasons and their reproduction rate is the other. A female roach can produce as many as 300 to even 400 offspring in her lifetime! Now imagine if even half of those 300-400 offspring are female, it would mean that around 100-200 more roaches are producing 300-400 offspring more!

-The roach is one of the hardiest creatures alive!

When people say that the roach is hardy they mean that it is almost invincible. Remember… Almost! The best we can do is to keep them out of our living space with a roach killer. Let’s take a look at why the invincible roach concept arose.

A roach doesn’t require large resources to stay alive. It has been said that a roach can survive without air for as long as 45 minutes. Food doesn’t seem to be much of a problem either. Most roaches can survive without food for as long as a month. The food sources don’t have to be large. Something simple like the glue at the back of a stamp is enough to provide a roach with nourishment.

It is even said that a roach can withstand radiation better than humans. Therein lays the concept that if man were to wipe himself out, the roach would be well poised to inherit the earth.


The best way to keep your house roach free is to ensure that the first roach doesn’t get in. Sounds simple but it isn’t always as easy as it looks and there will always be times when you have to reach for the roach killer. A few tips however will help ensure that you don’t need to use a roach killer too often. Let’s take a look at some of them.

-Don’t underestimate the power of tidiness!

Roaches love dark and dirty places. This is something that we have already learned when we looked at a roach’s behavior. There are just so many tiny things that we overlook that actually make our home a haven for roaches. So before you head to the supermarket to buy a roach killer, ensure that you have the nitty-gritty work under control. Remember that it pays to keep the house clean. In fact it ensures that your house is roach free. Let’s look at some of the things that most people overlook.

First things first! Ensure that the trash is always thrown out on time. Don’t put it off till the morning because roaches are nocturnal beings. They come out at night to feast. So while everything may look spic and span in the morning, the roaches have all night to feast. The same holds true for the dishes that you may put off doing. As always the saying ‘A stitch in time can same nine’ applies!

– Cracks are your greatest enemy!

Cracks are your greatest enemy!

Cockroaches love dark and cramped places. Cracks provide a great place for these insects to hide. Look for cracks everywhere. The usual spots are in the walls, flooring, between tiles etc. Once you’ve found a crack seal it up. There are various ways to do this. A silicon gun or a caulking gun is an inexpensive way to get the job done. How you do it does not matter. Just ensure that it is done well! Also keep an eye out for any new cracks that may develop.

– Cardboard is considered the roach’s nightclub!

Cardboard is considered the roach’s nightclub

Yes! Cardboard is your second biggest enemy in the fight against roaches. Cardboard provides warmth and we now know that roaches love warmth. In addition to this, people are more likely to store cardboard in a dark corner of the house. This makes it a perfect place for the roaches to nest. Hence it is absolutely essential to get rid of any excess cardboard that you have stored around the house.


Roaches tend to hide in plain sight. This makes it extremely difficult to spot a roach infestation if you aren’t looking for one. In fact, most people realize they have roaches when they get up in the middle of the night and turn on the lights. It is pretty creepy to think of roaches roaming around while you snooze. Luckily it is easy enough to spot a roach infestation if you know what are the signs that you need to look for. Let’s take a quick look at them.

-Look for shell casings. These shell casings are a sign that new roaches have hatched out of their eggs. They are usually brown in color.

-If you have a really bad infestation of roaches in your house, you will likely find a musty and pungent odor in certain corners of the house.

-You may spot a roach scurrying around in the middle of the night or you may even find a dead cockroach or two. If you see a roach in the day time means that you are in for trouble as this is a sure sign of a really bad roach infestation.

-Look for feces. It is usually black like pepper or coffee colored.


As we have discussed before, most of the roach killers that are available commercially have chemicals that are harmful, so we like to consider both natural and store purchased solutions.  Let’s take a look at some easy roach killer DIYs.

-The Use Of Essential Oils Cannot Be Disputed

Popular products that act as a natural roach killer are essential oils. It is said that roaches find the smell of the essential oils repulsive and hence stay away from the area where they have been used. In order to properly use an essential oil as a roach killer one must make your own homemade anti roach spray. It isn’t as difficult as it sounds.

Some effective oils like peppermint oil or even Cyprus oil will do the trick. So next time you head to the grocery store, ensure that you add them to the list. Remember that the ratio of the oils needs to be right. Add 10 drops of peppermint oil and 8 drops of Cyprus oil to half a cup full of water. That’s it! Your spray is ready! Now all you have to do is fill it in a bottle with a spray nozzle and spray the house as needed!

-Bay leaves pave the way

Unsurprisingly the next roach killer is also found in the kitchen. This one is none other than Bay leaves. The easiest way to use these leaves is by placing them in the spots that usually attract roaches or in spots where you have seen roaches. Some examples would be next to the drains, in the sink at night, in corners or crevices where the roaches lurk etc. You can also pack them in small envelopes and place them in your cupboards. This will help protect your clothes and your books from the roaches.

-Listerine has more uses than just as a mouthwash

We all know that Listerine has antiseptic properties. While it is usually kept in the bathroom cupboard few realize its potential as a roach killer. It is also easy to use. Just dilute the Listerine in water and spray it around the house to see the effects. Make sure that you target the corners and crevices while you are at it. You don’t want to leave any spot untouched!

-Moth balls

I find moth balls pretty effective. In fact moth balls help ensure that other insects are kept away. Cram these behind cupboards and in storage areas. Remember to replace them when their potency dwindles. Another important point to note is that moth balls are not safe for humans. That is why it is essential to keep them away from the reach of children. I still find them a less toxic option when compared to the other sprays that are used today.


Bleach is another weapon you would want in your arsenal. Almost every household will have it stored in their house somewhere. By now you will know that most roaches try to creep in through the drains and the toilets. Bleach is a great way to tackle this problem. Mix bleach with some water and pour it down the sink holes, drains and even the toilets. It will keep the roaches from entering in. This roach killer has to be used at frequent intervals for maximum affectivity.

-Pepper, Garlic And Onion

Pepper, garlic and onion are the ingredients to hell for a roach. It is a potent mixture that acts as a roach killer. How do you make it? It takes one tablespoon of pepper, half an onion and a clove of garlic to get this right. Mash the three ingredients together and add them to one litter of water. Spray this mixture around the affected areas. Roaches find the smell intolerable and are likely to leave your home immediately.

Another effective way of using this solution is to mop your floors with it. This will make sure that it is spread out evenly.


Soap solutions have also been known to work but to use a soap solution, you need to spray it directly on the roach. This can get pretty difficult as roaches tend to hide quite a bit. Unlike the previous other roach killer preparations, soap has a different method of acting. Soap clogs the pores of the roach making it impossible for the roach to breathe. This is why they die almost instantly.


Borax is an old and well worn roach killer that is still very much in use today. Simply sprinkle borax in all the affected areas before you sleep. As we have noted before, roaches come out at night. By walking through the borax, they transfer the borax to their bodies. Borax acts by drying out the body of the roach. This is how it slowly but steadily kills the insect.

An addition to borax that can be added is cornstarch or sugar. Roaches will be attracted to the cornstarch or the sugar as it is food. Ingestion of this will lead to the ingestion of borax too. This helps deal with larger and more persistent roach infestations. You however need to be prepared to clean a large number of dead roaches after using this. I feel the end is worth the means, don’t you?


Cucumber is not a roach killer but a roach repellent. It is a natural way to deal with these nasty pests. All that you have to do is cut a few slices of cucumber and leave them in the affected areas. In case you have some bay leaves then throw them into the mix.


The use of lime is simple. Add some lime juice to the water you use to mop your floors. Roaches do not like the citrus smell of lime. But be forewarned. This fix is possible only if you have tiles. Lime may adversely affect wood flooring so check before you use it.

-Make A Roach Trap

You don’t always need a roach killer. Some roach traps are pretty effective. All that you need is bait and something to trap them on. Let’s take a look at two traps that have proven their use with time.

1.Coffee is the key to stay roach free! No I’m not kidding. Roaches love the smell of coffee and will aggregate towards it. In order to use this piece of knowledge effectively, place the coffee in a large jar and dilute it with water. Keep it overnight. The roach will fall into the jar after being lured by the smell of the coffee. When a roach falls into water, their pores get clogged. This means that the roach cannot breathe and drowns to death.

2.Petroleum jelly is also another great alternative. Place some food in a jar to act as bait. Line the rim of the jar with petroleum jelly. Now keep this jar out at night. The roaches will head over to the food only to find that they can’t escape because of the presence of petroleum jelly. The downside of this is that you have to deal with live trapped roaches in the morning. Not something that I would look forward to. Hence I would prefer the coffee trap.

Keeping our homes roach free is essential because it keeps us healthy and happy. No one likes the presence of these pests in the house. Use a roach killer that is safe for you and your family. As you can see most of them are extremely easy to make. Cleanliness also takes you a long way in ensuring that you don’t have a roach infestation. Be alert, be smart and be roach free! It is easy and simple if you put your mind to it.

To be able to deal with cockroach problems once and for all, and before you decide which roach killer to use, it’s important to understand cockroaches in-depth from what they are, how they look and the different types to their ideal habitats, what they like eating, the problems they cause and ways of dealing with those problems. To get you started, let’s define cockroaches.

Different types of cockroaches

Cockroaches are abundant globally but most common in the tropics and subtropics. North America has about 50 cockroach species categorized into about 5 families. Australia has the most species (about 450 species although only 4 are widespread).

Most common types of cockroaches

As mentioned above, there are very many cockroach species/types. The most common cockroaches found in or around homes are;

1. American cockroach

American cockroach

As the name suggests, this type of cockroach is found in America. American cockroaches are popularly known as palmetto bugs. They are reddish brown in color and measure approximately 3 inches long when fully developed.

They love the outdoors i.e. warm and damp areas such as under mulch, on trees and flowerbeds. They invade homes to find food and water. They can pass easily under doors which don’t have weather stripping. Garage and basement windows are also common entryways for American cockroaches.

In homes, they invade kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms as well as basements. American cockroaches love hiding under drains, inside kitchen cabinets as well as under appliances. They forage on crumbs, spilled food or even pet food left out overnight.

2. Brown-banded cockroach


Brown-banded cockroach

The brown-banded cockroach is one of the smallest invasive cockroaches known to man. When fully developed, the cockroach measures 11-14.55mm in length. The cockroach is light brown in color with transverse tan bands present across the body hence the name. The cockroach prefers warm and humid temperatures. Brown banded cockroaches love invading ceilings and in/or around appliance motors. They are most active at night but can be seen during the day searching for food.

3. German cockroach


Contrary to popular belief, German cockroaches are found worldwide and not in Germany alone. They are most common in tropical environments. They are very common indoor cockroaches. They have a distinct light brown/tan coloration with black horizontal stripes just behind their heads. They grow to a maximum length of 13 to 16mm. In homes, they prefer kitchens and bathrooms like their American counterparts. They can however move around and invade anywhere at home where there is food and moisture.

They love storage areas with bags, boxes and/or cardboard containers. In fact, most German cockroaches are brought into homes in used appliances, bags and boxes. They easily move from one building to another via plumbing/pipes. German roaches are scavengers. They can feed on just about anything from leftovers to books and soap.

4. Madagascar hissing cockroach


Madagascar hissing cockroach

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are popularly referred to as hissing or giant cockroaches. They are native to Madagascar although they are popular in most tropical regions globally. They measure up to 7.5cm in length which makes them one of largest cockroach species in the world. Madagascar cockroaches are brown and wingless. They produce a hissing sound when alarmed or disturbed. Madagascar cockroaches are omnivores. They love feeding on vegetables, fallen fruits and decaying organic matter. As a result, they are popular in food stores, farms, forests and beneath rotten logs in tropical areas.

5. Oriental cockroach

Oriental cockroach

Oriental cockroaches have a dark reddish-brown to shinny black color. They invade homes and stores through open doors, windows, via gaps beneath sidings, via utility lines and open drains. Adult males measure up to 25mm while adult females measure up to 32mm. Both have wing pads but lack wings.

Oriental cockroaches love outdoors. They are well adapted to natural environments. They love mulch, leaf litter and outdoor debris. They usually gain access to homes via openings under porches, crawlspaces and wall voids. In metropolitan areas, oriental cockroaches are common in sewers, storm drains and garbage since they love feeding on filth and love water. In fact, oriental cockroaches can survive for months without food but can’t survive for two weeks without water.

6. Smokybrown cockroach

Smokybrown cockroach

The Smokybrown cockroach is a very common type of roach in southeast United States. The cockroach is most common in central Texas although it is possible to find smokybrown cockroaches as far as North Carolina, Indiana and Illinois. As the name suggests, the cockroach has a brownish-black (smokey) coloration. Adult smokybrown cockroaches measure up to 38mm in length.

Smokybrown cockroaches are popular in warm and moist areas. They are prone to dehydration thus are most common in moist areas. In homes, the cockroaches love to invade the kitchen under sinks. They penetrate homes via open windows/doors, gaps beneath sidings, via the attic, soffit vents or through utility pipes/plumbing. Smokybrown cockroaches are opportunistic feeders. They love food scraps, decaying material and filth including fecal matter which explains why they also love invading garbage and bathrooms.

Now that you know the most common types of roaches you are likely to find in your home, let’s shift our focus to the problems caused by cockroaches.


While roaches are viewed as gross and disgusting by many (and they are!), the roach can have significant impact on our health. This is probably why man has been obsessed with the use of different kinds of roach killers. Before we go on to how you can keep the roach out of your house, let’s take a quick look at the potential health hazards that a roach can bring into your life.

-Allergies And Even Asthma

A vast majority of people are allergic to the common roach and do not know it. While you may not always come in contact with a roach, you will definitely be in the vicinity of some of the roach byproducts without even realizing it. These byproducts include shell particles, eggs, feces and even saliva. The byproducts are usually airborne and this means that these allergens get inhaled and cause breathing problems that range from simple allergies to more life threatening diseases like asthma.

-Infections Caused Due To Bacteria

Roaches tend to roam in the dirtiest and grossest parts of the planet. This means that they pick up a lot of unhealthy bacteria on the way. As they move about, they then deposit these bacteria in our living space. Transmission of these bacteria to us becomes inevitable. Hence roaches are linked to various kinds of diseases.

Problems caused by cockroaches

To be able to understand why you need an effective cockroach killer in your home, you have to understand the problems caused by cockroaches. Cockroaches are very common in most households globally to the extent that most people view them as harmless insects. It is however worth noting that cockroaches pose serious health risks.

First and foremost, cockroaches leave a very offensive odor in homes. They also transport pathogens via their body surfaces spreading diseases and causing allergies. In fact, cockroaches are linked to most allergic reactions suffered by humans i.e. asthma among other respiratory heath problems. Cockroaches are also responsible for transporting bacteria such as salmonella known to cause food poisoning.

These are some of the main reasons why you need to get rid of roaches fast. Furthermore, countries like the United States spend over $1.5 billion annually just trying to control cockroaches. The cockroach menace is clearly a big issue that needs to be dealt once and for all and it all starts at the household level.

Dealing with Roaches

One of the main reasons why most households globally have been unable to deal with the roach problem effectively is because roaches are fast-breeding and resilient. There are many popular homemade roach remedies that range from using household chemicals such as baking soda to garden herbs like mint, cucumber, garlic, catnip and bay. These remedies include the most popular roach repellents. They are however temporary since cockroaches reproduce very fast and develop resistance to such repellents with time.

Other remedies for roaches include using poisoned bait. Chemicals such as hydramethylnon are effective in killing adult cockroaches as well as cockroach eggs although they pose health risks to pets and humans. As a result, it’s not advisable to use such chemicals in their raw form to kill cockroaches. Although most people turn to insecticides, most of them aren’t effective. The same applies to cockroach traps since they aren’t effective for all types of cockroaches.

Proper sanitation is a good remedy since it gets rid of cockroach habitats and ideal conditions. Some cockroaches are however scavengers that will feed on just about anything. Furthermore, it’s impossible to live in a sparkling clean home all the time. There will always be scraps of food in the dustbin, floor etc.

How difficult is it to deal with cockroaches?

The question isn’t usually about killing with cockroaches but being able to kill them effectively and safely. Most of the remedies available today are either unsafe, ineffective or both. Harsh chemicals may be effective for killing cockroaches however they pose serious health risks when humans come into contact with them. Considering cockroaches invade households, harsh chemicals aren’t the best option.

Most insecticides aren’t ideal for killing cockroaches either because they contain harmful chemicals. Also, cockroaches develop tolerance to most insecticides available today so this remedy may not be effective in the long run. This leads us to a very important question: how do you deal with cockroaches effectively and safely? To answer this question, below is a review of 7 products that meet the safety and effectiveness threshold.

Below we will extensively list natural home remedies for dealing with cockroaches. First, we will review our top 8 brand name products to consider purchasing.

Product recommendations: Top 8 Roach Killer Available Today



Cravegreens Pest Control Ultrasonic Repeller -Electronic Plug -In (set of 4)

Top features

1. 100% safe and effective: The Cravegreens Pest Control Ultrasonic Repeller stands out for many reasons the most notable being safety and effectiveness. This repeller doesn’t pose any harm to your family. It utilizes safe ultrasonic and electromagnetic technology to get rid of cockroaches

2. Multipurpose: Gets rid of cockroaches as well as other insects like mosquitoes, fleas, ants etc. Also effective for getting rid of rodents.

3. Very affordable: The Cravegreens Pest Control repeller, it’s cheaper than most cockroach solutions out there today.

4. Lifetime guarantee: If you don’t like the Cravegreens Pest Control Repeller for any reason, you can ask for a full refund. It is however advisable to use the repeller for 2 to 3 weeks first before judging its effectiveness.

5. Easy to use: The repeller doesn’t come with complicated instructions. You just need to plug it into a power outlet to use it.



Advion Syngenta Cockroach Gel Bait (1 Box, 4 Tubes) Roach Killer

Top features of the roach killer :

1. Effective for all cockroach species: The Advion Syngenta Gel Bait has been tested and proven to be effective for all types of cockroaches.

2. Affordable: for a box containing 4 tubes

3. Irresistible formula: Unlike most gel bait products in the market, cockroaches can’t resist the Advion Syngenta Gel Bait.

4. Long-lasting effects: The gel bait is effective roach killer for 2 years.

Video: customer review of the Advion roach killing gel:

Hoont Indoor Plug-in Ultrasonic Pest Repeller



Hoont Indoor Plug-in Ultrasonic Pest Repeller with Night Light (Pack of 4)

Another great ultrasonic roach remover

Top features

1. Night light for added effectiveness: Attracts cockroaches better when they are most active

2. Economical: Comes in packs of 4. Each pack can be placed in a separate room

3. Multipurpose: Gets rid of cockroaches as well as other insects and rodents.

4. Safe: Utilizes safe technology. Doesn’t pose any harm whatsoever.

5. Very effective: Utilizes multi-frequency ultrasonic sound waves which force cockroaches and other pests out of your home.

6. Wide coverage: The Hoont Indoor Ultrasonic Pest Repeller covers approximately 350 square feet per unit which is adequate enough for a standard room.

combat roach killer


Combat Source Kill Max R2 Large Roach Bait, 8 Count

This is another effective bait roach killer

Top features

1. Effective: Gets rid of cockroaches in 3 months. Utilizes Fiproni, an active ingredient proven to kill roaches effectively when they touch or ingest it. Kills all types of cockroaches including large cockroaches such as the Madagascar hissing cockroach

2. Affordable: a great price for a roach killer.

3. Easy to use: You just need to place the bait in cockroach prone areas.

eco defense roach killer


Eco Defense Organic Home Pest Control Spray – Roach Killer

Definitely one of the best roach killer sprays in the market today

1. Extremely safe: Eco Defence is an organic spray that is 100% for humans. Doesn’t pose any health risks whatsoever. Eco Defence is made using organic non-toxic ingredients. The spray is child and pet safe.

2. Multipurpose: Kills all kinds of pests from cockroaches to spiders, ants, fleas, mites, name it!

3. Effective: Eco Defence works fast. Its effects are also long lasting. The spray gets rid of cockroaches and keeps them out of your home for good.

4. Comes with a money back guarantee: Eco Defence is one of the few pest control rock killer sprays out there that comes with a money back guarantee. You can buy and use the spray risk-free for 60 days. If the spray doesn’t meet your expectations for whatever reason, you can return it and get a full refund.

tempo roach killer


Tempo Ultra SC 240 ML Multi-Use Pest Control Insecticide

1. Effective: Utilizes Tempo SC Ultra, an active ingredient which is known to kill household pests.

2. Odorless and non-staining: Tempo Ultra isn’t irritating like most insecticides in the market today. The insecticide doesn’t smell or stain.

3. Cost effective

4. Great for both indoor and outdoor applications.

5. Multipurpose: Kills over 100 indoor and outdoor pests.

6. Long lasting: Lasts up to 3 months after application.

roach killer


PestGuard Zap-A-Roach Boric Acid, 16 oz, Roach Killer

Top features

1. Cheap: PestGuard Zap-A-Roach for a 454gms bottle

2. Effective: Made using Boric Acid as the main ingredient which is known to be an effective roach killer

3. Multipurpose: Kills roaches and many other household pests

harris boric acid roach killer

Harris Boric Acid Roach Powder With Lure, 16 oz.

Kills Roaches, Waterbugs, Silverfish and More

  • 16oz Puffer Bottle Allows Easy Application for Use Indoors
  • Puff into Difficult to Reach Areas (i.e. Under Refrigerators)
  • Long Lasting Formula – 99% Boric Acid, 1% Harris Lure
  • Registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (No. 3-10)


Interested in do it yourself pest control? Click here

Learning More About Manufacturers of Roach Killers

You have learned about different types of cockroaches, and you have seen some of the industry leading products available in the market place. Now, lets take a deeper drive on the manufacturers of roach killers.

Combat Roach Killer

this is

Some helpful videos from their website, on outsmarting roaches, their history and the science behind their roach killing products.

Video: Five Ways to Outsmart Roaches

Video: Check the Facts: Ants and Roaches (I love the reference to dinosaurs!)

Video: The science behind Combat Roach and Ant Killers

Use Combat® baits and gels to build your arsenal against roaches. Unlike sprays that kill the pests you see, Combat® roach killing baits and gels kill cockroaches at the source and prevent them from coming back. Roaches take the bait back to the nest, where it’s shared, destroying the nest.

Cravegreens Pest and Roach Control

From there website:

Easy to use: All you have to do is plug the Cravegreens® Ultrasonic Pest Repeller into an outlet in your home and you’ll repel parasites within an action radius of 200 m².

How it works: Cravegreens® Pest Repeller uses Ultrasonic Technology, inaudible to the human ear.

Double Technology: Cravegreens® is completely inoffensive for children and pets, and does not interfere with household appliances.

Environmentally friendly:Cravegreens® Pest Repeller is a product for home use that works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with no hazardous chemicals that are toxic or poisonous or that give of noxious odours.


From their website: Hoont offers unique quality products at competitive prices. We run our business with passion and integrity. We believe in fostering long standing relationships with our customer base as well as our vendors. Over the years, Hoont has emerged as a leading home goods and electronics supplier, supplying retailers across the nation and abroad.

We believe that this philosophy of passion and integrity has contributed to the sustained growth in our overall business, the customer base and the product lines we offer.

Video on a customer review:

Tempo Insecticide

Here is a PDF from Bayer and the Tempo brand. This PDF is a user guide and how to instructions for their insect killer (20 WP Insecticide)

Dupont Advion

Here is a PDF for Dupont Advion roach killer gel.

Here is a customer video on the Dupont Advion Cockroach Gel – total roach annihilation:



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